Wooden Sunglasses Buyer's Guide

October 10, 2017

Wooden Sunglasses Buyer's Guide

Wooden sunglasses have a unique style that keeps you looking good whether you're on the beach or dressed up for a nice occasion. The rich colors of the wood frames compliment any outfit and look great on both men and women. Check out our buyer's guide to learn all you need to know about wooden sunglasses.


A wide variety of different wood is used to manufacture wooden sunglasses and they all have a different look. Most commonly used are Ebony, Black Walnut, Zebra Wood, Birch, Maple, Cocobolo, Purpleheart, Bloodwood, and Bamboo.
All of these materials are extremely light and comfortable yet very durable. Since wood is such a naturally strong material your frames will last for years.

Variation in Wood

Because wood sunglasses are made from sustainable wood, no two pairs are identical. Your wood frames will truly be one-of-a-kind. Thanks to the unique grain variation of each pair and the many types of wood used, you'll never find another pair like yours.